About us

The Red Vintage journey started in 2018 on Instagram, where Christina connected with fellow vintage enthusiasts and shared her passion for dress-up styling.

Aksel joined Christina in 2024, and he helps with a bit of everything in driving the business (such as standing in the shop while Christina thrifting, stopping her from buying too much, etc, etc)

Our mission? To remind people of the fun of dressing up, by providing special pieces that stand out in a world of fast fashion, emphasizing the beauty and value of sustainable practices.

Letter from Christina

Hey, you made it! Out of the billions of shops online, you landed here and wanted to learn more about us - for that I am forever grateful.

When I started Red Vintage, I had no idea the story will carry on for so many years. At that time, all the sweet ladies on the street that gave me compliments on my outfits, made me think of my own little shop. Just a special place filled with things that make people want to play dress up.

Clothes is a little drama theatre you direct every day. It reflects your mood, your will, and who you want to be at that particular moment. I hope you can find pieces here that fulfill your play, tell your story, and show your attitude.

Six years has gone by, thrifting worldwide sourcing pieces for you, is still my absolute favorite hobby. Now, with Aksel by my side, I can call it my dream job. Thank you for your interest and support; that made this happen!

All the best, Christina

Why choose us

  • The pieces are collected based on their quality, style and history, so you get not just a beautiful piece, but also one filled with stories and character!
  • By shopping at Red Vintage (and other small business shops), you are supporting people's dreams.
  • 14 days right of return for you to try the items at home.
Discover our collection